How to avoid notifications about job or profile changes

You plan to make changes in your LinkedIn profile? Please make sure beforehand, if you want your network been informed about any profile changes like a new job or a new education.

LinkedIn informs your network (first degree contacts) by using the messaging board and giving information like for example: „Congratulate person X for starting a new position as XYZ at X“. If you want to avoid this, please read the following paragraph.

Change the settings to avoid these messages

Go the the sector „Settings and Privacy“ of your LinkedIn profile (in the top right corner, click on your picture).

Go to the section „Privacy“:

Search in the list for the headline: „Share job changes, eduction changes, and work anniversaries from profile“. Make sure that this is set to „no“.

Please pay attention when entering

When you enter a new job, the form will ask you if you want to share the news with your network. In some cases, it is already set on „no“, but sometimes it is necessary to click it again und keep it on „off“. Just check this screenshot and pay attention for what you are asked.

What will be shared with your network if you keep it on „yes“?

  • Job changes or new jobs – people might congratulate you to a new position
  • If you change or add something in the education section
  • If you have a job anniversary

What will not be shared with the network?

Changes in the profile like a new profile picture, a background picture, new profile slogan, new summary or contact details etc will not be shared with your network.

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